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  • Robofest at Battle_Creek_MI

    Calhoun Area Career Center
    Battle Creek Michigan


    The Calhoun Area Career Center (CACC) is a public secondary school operated by the Calhoun Intermediate School District, located in Battle Creek, MI. We are an extension of local public and private schools providing career and technical education to primarily 11th and 12th grade students. The CACC accepts and serves ALL demographics of students from special populations to the academically gifted. Students attend the Center for one-half of their school day and their sending school the other half. We welcome Robofest teams!

    Date and Time

    Sat, Mar 23  9:00 AM -  1:00 PM
    (Registration closes: 07-16-2019)

    Competition Divisions

    Division Current / Max. Teams Non-Refundable Team Registration Fee
    Sr Game 4 / 4 teams Registration fee collected by site host


    Calhoun Area Career Center

    475 East Roosevelt
    Battle Creek Michigan 49017

    (269) 968-2271
    View on Google Maps


    Mark Gothberg, gothberm [at], (Please note the above address is listed in a way to prevent web spammers from using the above e-mail address. Please use the @ symbol in the address above if you send a message.)

    Site Check-in Fee

    Site Host organizer does NOT collect team check-in fee.
