Teams of up to 5 students compete to accomplish robotics missions using autonomous robots. Game especially puts math skills to the test.
2021 Game Archive "StackRolls"
Official Rules and Related Documents:
StackRolls Rules: PDF | PPTX (New FAQs - Released 3/31/21)
StackRolls Score Sheet: PDF | Word (updated 1/21/21)
Demonstration Videos: Demo 1 | Demo 2 | Demo 3 | Demo 4 |
Judging Information:
ROWC Location Head Judge Pre-Event Checklist (Online Format): PDF
Presentation Slides for Judge Training (PDF / PPTX)
Judge Training Webinar Recording
Sample Unknown Factor and Tasks (UTF) Handouts - for unveiling Unknown Factors and End Task for a round (Jr / Sr)
Prior Versions of Rules:
Kickoff StackRolls Rules: PDF | PPTX
GAME WARMUP EVENT - Saturday, March 13 Video