Express Yourself with Robots! Robofest offers a unique STEAM learning opportunity using intelligent & interactive robotics with visual and/or performing arts categories. Robots must have computational components programmed by participants and must employ sensors. Maxumim 5 students.

  • Jr. Division: Grades 5~8
  • Sr. Division: Grades 9~12

2024 Official RoboArts Rules and Related Documents

RoboArts Rules: (pdf) V2.0 - Final Version, released 1/13/24

Judging Rubric: (pdf) Final Version, released 1/13/24


RoboArts will be hosted during the Robofest World Championship on May 11. Winners of the Sr. RoboArts Division at the World Championship will receive an LTU Scholarship certificate. 

Rules for starting teams, registration, team responsibilities at competitions and how teams advance to the World Championship can be found in the General Rules on the 2024 Main Page.

Each team member must bring the signed Robofest Consent and Release Form on the day of the event if not completed online.

 2024 Technical Committee for Rules and Judging

Member: Bio:
Pam Sparks * Robofest staff member and coach since 2016. Holds BA in Biology and M.A.T from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan.
Kevin Gallatin Math Teacher at Hazel Park HS, Coached Square One Robotics, Sea Perch with the US Navy and numerous student trips to the Amazon Rainforest in Peru. BS in Mathematics and Psychology from Western Michigan University. Master’s of Arts in Media and Technology. Robofest Judge since 2023.
Erik Rosvold Chief Operating Officer at LSM Systems Engineering. Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Kettering University and a master’s degree in manufacturing systems from the University of Michigan. Robofest Coach, host and volunteer since 2015.
Curtis Sharif Sr. Project Engineer, Safety & Restraints Engineering- Nissan
Elmer Santos Robofest Director, LTU Adjunct Professor of Computer Science
CJ Chung Professor of Computer Science. Founder of Robofest. Director of Robofest 1999-2020. Director of LTU's CAR (CS AI Robotics) Lab. Launched GRAF (Global Robotics Art Festival) in 2013. GRAF name changed to RoboArts in 2017.

 *Commitee Chair

Find out more information about the previous RoboArts/GRAF competitions here: Prior Years

RoboArts Example Projects (Just some ideas. Note that some examples here do not use sensors, which are required)

© 2024 Robofest