There are many resources available on the Get Started page and in the General Rules on the Main Page
In order to maximize students' learning, we recommend 2 to 3 students per robot. Maximum team size is 5 for Game and Exhibition.
Teams can practice anywhere, even at home, because the playing field is portable and modular. If they have some experience, we recommend one two hour meeting per week in January, then two meetings per week until the qualifying competition.
Since Robofest does not have extra tasks like a research presentation, it will be about 2/3 of FLL efforts. Robofest is a great opportunity to learn more about the computer programming part.
A Game or Exhibition team can re-register for another local qualifier, the Video Qualifier, or Michigan Invitational events if they wish to attempt a higher score to advance to the Robofest World Championship Finals in May. Open Category events will take place at some local events and during the World Championship, providing multiple chances to compete.
We allow coaches to determine if younger players may join the team. Playing up or down requires the submission of age division waiver request (completed on the registration page) and LTU Robofest organizer's permission.
Exhibition is a qualifying category offering participants an opportunity to demonstrate any type of robotics project. Robots can solve humanitarian missions, play the piano, make hamburgers, play soccer, etc. We encourage full creativity.
A portion of the Game Category tasks are unveiled on the day of the competition prior to each round. Teams must program their robots without adult assistance after the unveiled tasks are announced. Thus, adults are not allowed in the team pit area throughout the competition day.
Lawrence Technological University will schedule workshops starting in January to help students and coaches. Summer programs are available for High School students. Also visit our eAcademy page.
Robofest encourages all types of teams; home schools, charter, private and public schools, neighborhood and civic groups, clubs, churches, Scouts, etc.
Yes, a team can choose to participate in Game and Exhibition, or a Qualifier and an Open Category. If a team wishes to compete in multiple categories, we recommend registering at separate events or through Video Submission due to time constraints at the event.
It may be possible if the coach thinks the student can handle multiple tasks. However, there may be time conflicts during a competiton.