2000 Sponsors

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
US savings bond as prizes: $375 x 4 categories = $1,500
10 Lego Mindstorms Kits for Schools in the city of Detroit: $200 x 10 = $2,000
Their valuable time to work with local schools!

Lawrence Tech Mathematics and Computer Science Department
about $4,000 to prepare this event such as buying 14 robot
kits and extra parts.
College of Arts and Sciences at Lawrence Tech.
$500 emergency and extra expenses.
Jason Morris Fund was used to seed autonomous robotics research at LTU.
Friends of Robofest Individual Donors
Mr./Mrs. C. Chung
In-kind gift
AutoDesk Inc. donated 4 sets of AutoCAD software worth $1816.00 as prizes
for the competition.
Admissions Office at Lawrence Tech. is funding $3,000 as scholarships to LTU.
Web hosting by Sv3 Media Group in Rochester Hillswww.sv3.com