RoboFest 2000 Results

Registered number of teams as of March 15: 46

Actual number of teams that participated: 36

Total number of students who came to LTU: 109


Robo Race - Junior Division, 29 teams participated

1st Place

Goodrich Torpedoes

Oaktree Elementary, Goodrich

David Whiting,
Jared Degeneffe,
Michael Whiting

2nd Place


Harper Woods Secondary School, Harper Woods

Jason Mowen,
Allison Gonyeau,
Michael Liburdi

3rd Place


Larson Middle School, Troy

MiHae Kim,
Chung Young Key

Robo Firefighter Race - Junior Division, 7 teams participated

1st Place

'Da Cubs #3

Norup Middle School, Oak Park

Jeff Ferman,
Anthony Rosenblum,
David Elmquist

2nd Place

Little People

Carman Park Elementary, Flint

Michael Root,
Kyle Ewing,
Blake Leach

Robo Tag - Junior Division, 10 team participated

1st Place

YC 2

First Baptist Church of Royal Oak, Youth Connection

Matt Marshall,
Ryan Marshall,
Kiel Mackler

2nd Place

Little People

Carman Park Elementary, Flint

Michael Root,
Kyle Ewing,
Blake Leach

Senior Division - Robo Firefighter Race and Robo Tag , 6 teams participated

1st Place

The "A" Team

Lawrence Tech University, Southfield

Carson Reinke

2nd Place


Lawrence Tech University, Southfield

Joe Engalan

3rd Place


Lawrence Tech University, Southfield

Scott Shaw

$1,000 LTU Scholarships

Goodrich Torpedoes

Oaktree Elementary, Goodrich

David Whiting,
Jared Degeneffe,
Michael Whiting

Earhart Aviators 4

Amelia Earhart Middle School, Detroit

Raymond Murry
Matthew Bolden


First Baptist Church of Royal Oak, Youth Connection

Matt Marshall,
Ryan Marshall,
Kiel Mackler

Innovative Design Award


Harper Woods Secondary School, Harper Woods

Jason Mowen,
Allison Gonyeau,
Michael Liburdi

'Da Cubs #4

Norup Middle School, Oak Park

Chris Reade
Jonathon Mellow
David Moiseev

'Da Cubs #1

Norup Middle School, Oak Park

Jesse LaRochelle
Matt Travis
Danny Travis

Leadership award to School Teachers/Coaches

Dave & Paula Degeneffe

Oaktree Elementary, Goodrich

Mark Lindsay, Lawrence Stackpoole

Amelia Earhart Middle School, Detroit

Julie Simpson

Norup Middle School, Oak Park

Andrew Cobb

Davis Aerospace High School, Detroit